Welcome to the Benefice of Deerhurst with Apperley, Chaceley, Forthampton, Stoke Orchard, Tredington and Hardwicke
This information comes to you with warmest greetings and good wishes from your local church, as you settle into your new home in our parish. We hope that you will quickly feel at home, and a part of the community. As you will see from the information provided, both from the church and from the wider community, there is plenty to be involved in, and I am sure that you will be welcomed in whatever you do. If you would like any further information about church life and activities, please contact one of the churchwardens, or a member of the Ministry Group.
Priest in Charge, Revd Ilse Ferwerda: 01452 780880; apperleypriest@gmail.com
Associate Priest, Revd Kay Mundy: 01452 780634; therevkaymundy@gmail.com
Ministers with Permission to Officiate: Revd Charles Whitney 01684 296764, Revd Jenny d'Esterre, Revd Tom Curtis.
Licensed Readers for the Benefice
Mrs Mary-Ann Preece
Mrs Vivienne Troughton
Deerhurst with Apperley
Mr Roger Taylor: 01452 780561; rogertaylor47@googlemail.com
Mr Danny Vince: 01452 780712; dvince8554@aol.com
Mr Nigel Horner: 01452 780347; hornerhm@gmail.com
Mrs Phillipa Holloway: 01684 292401; phillipaholloway49@gmail.com
Mrs Lynda Remmer: 01684 297903; lynremmer@aol.com
Tredington and Stoke Orchard
Mrs Tessa Mills: 01452 780434; tessamills@yahoo.co.uk
Ministry Group
Rev. Kay Mundy: 01452 780634; therevkaymundy@gmail.com
Mrs Mary-Ann Preece: 01452 840621; rogerpreece@yahoo.co.uk
Mr Roger Taylor: 01452 780561; rogertaylor47@googlemail.com
Dr Corinna Pippard: 01452 780645; corinna@pippard.co.uk
Mrs Vivienne Troughton: 01684 293540; vivtroughton@googlemail.com
Our Churches
DeerhurstThe Priory Church of St. Mary. With a claim to being the oldest church in the country, it dates from the early eighth century. It was originally part of a monastic settlement which lasted until the Middle Ages, when it became the parish church. It is widely known as a fine example of a Saxon church, and is the church with the longest history of continuous worship of any church in the country: it is well worth exploring.
ApperleyHoly Trinity Church. Built in the nineteenth century by the Strickland family of Apperley Court, as a chapel of ease. It is not a parish church as such, being in Deerhurst parish, but it serves the village of Apperley, being loved by many for its quiet location and simplicity of design.
ChaceleyThe Parish Church of St. John the Baptist. This church is Norman in origin. The building contains a number of interesting features and items, such as the village stocks.
ForthamptonThe Parish Church of St. Mary the Virgin. This Norman Building still houses an original stone altar. Historically, as can be seen from the monuments, the church has a close attachment to the Yorke family of Forthampton Court. The village stocks are to be found at the bottom of the church drive.
Stoke OrchardThe Parish Church of St. James the Great. This church also has Norman origins, and in medieval times was a pilgrimage church, that is, it was a stopping point for pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. Again this is an interesting building, and inside it is notable for having extensive wall paintings which feature the life and deeds of St James.
TredingtonThe Parish Church of St. John the Baptist. A Norman church with a wooden tower, which is a somewhat unusual feature for a church. There are a number of other interesting features, both inside and out, not the least of which is the fossilised remains of an ichthyosaur!
Church Services
1st Sunday |
2nd Sunday |
3rd Sunday |
4th Sunday |
Apperley Holy Trinity |
11.00 a.m. Holy Communion |
11.00 a.m. Morning Worship |
Apperley Methodist |
11.00 a.m. Morning Service |
11.00 a.m. Holy Communion |
Chaceley |
9.30 a.m. Holy Communion BCP |
11.00 a.m. Holy Communion |
Deerhurst |
8.00 a.m. Holy Communion |
11.00 a.m. Holy Communion |
8.00 a.m. Holy Communion |
6.00 p.m. Evensong |
Forthampton |
6.00 p.m. Evensong |
9.30 a.m. Morning Worship |
11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist |
9.30 a.m. Holy Communion BCP |
Stoke Orchard |
9.30 a.m. Holy Communion |
9.30 a.m. Holy Communion |
Tredington |
9.30 a.m. Morning Worship |
9.30 a.m. Holy Communion |
Contacts for other Churches
Apperley Methodist Church: Senior Steward, Mr Peter Stych, 01452 780508
Tewkesbury Baptist Church: 01684 293044
St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church: 01684 293273
Baptisms, Confirmations, Weddings and Funerals
For baptisms and weddings, please contact the benefice administrator as soon as you have a date in mind.
A confirmation service is usually held once a year, and preparation classes for both adults and young people are arranged for this.
Funeral services can be arranged in any of our churches, or our ministers can conduct the service at the crematorium if you wish. Please ask the funeral director to contact the benefice administrator to make the necessary arrangements.
Church groups
The Friends of Deerhurst Church
This is an organisation which was set up in 1983, with the objective being ‘to assist in the preservation, enhancement, and upkeep of the fabric, of Deerhurst Church’.
Deerhurst church is believed to have been founded around 700 A.D., and is the church with the longest history of continuous worship anywhere within the country. It is one of our finest surviving Saxon buildings, and as such, it is indeed a national treasure.
The church’s upkeep, however, is a very costly business, and cannot be maintained by the residents of such a very small village. Hence the formation of the ‘Friends’, which now boasts a membership of about 250. Every year, in September, an annual lecture is held which has a Deerhurst theme, and which is always interesting and popular. The ‘Friends’ contribution to major repair works in recent years has been of immense value, helping to restore and maintain the fabric of this beautiful and sacred structure. Your membership would be very welcome.
Friends of Tredington and Stoke Orchard Churches
Contact Mrs Mary Juckes, 01684 292143
Little Pips (Pram Service)
This takes place on the first Monday of every month, and is for babies and pre-school children, and their carers. It is an informal service, with story-telling, and followed by refreshments. The service is held in Apperley church at 2:30 pm, and finishes at about 3:00pm, to enable any parents or carers with older children to collect them from school. A good opportunity for young mums, dads, or carers, to meet up together. Telephone the Revd Kay Mundy, therevkaymundy@gmail.com.
The Choir
The choir is led by one of our organists, Mr John Holloway, at Forthampton church, and new members are always welcome. If you would like to join the choir, please telephone John on 01684 292401.
Bellringing at Deerhurst
This group meets regularly throughout the year at Deerhurst church. For more details regarding this group, please contact Mr Richard Hart on 01452 780505.
Deerhurst and Apperley C of E Primary School
This school caters for pre-school, infant, and junior aged children. The school has always enjoyed active friendly links with the church. Telephone 01452 780374.
The Severnsider Magazine
Published monthly, and will keep you up to date with what is happening in your village and surrounding area. Magazine organiser Mr Roger Taylor, 01452 780561, editor Coral Pepper coralppepper@gmail.com.
Other Activities in Deerhurst and Apperley
Apperley Village Hall
The following activities are held at the Village Hall:
Art Group Yoga
Bowls Club Pilates
Country Dancing Severnsiders Lunch Club
DCCG Lunch Club Spanish
Tai-Kwan-Do Upholstery
Zumba U3A History of Art
For more details, please click the Village Hall link Village Hall - Apperley & Deerhurst Community Website (apperley-deerhurst.co.uk)
Apperley Football Club
For more information contact Mr Chris Freeman, 01452 684945, or email cjfree79@gmail.com.
Apperley Cricket Club
A thriving community club, with the First X1 playing at a high level, but also a Second X1, a Sunday X1, and an energetic youth section. Contact the Chairman, Mr Anthony Wilkes, for further details, on 07774 725112, or Secretary Mr Roger Taylor on 01452 780561.
Mobile Library
This visits the area every other week, and has and has five stopping points in the parish.
Deerhurst Community Care Group
This group can assist with transport to a hospital, doctor, or dentist, collecting prescriptions, or sitting with the sick or elderly. Contact Mrs Sue Ross, 01452 780894.
Severnside Senior Citizens Club
Mrs Velma Sutton
Apperley Open Door Lunch Club
Mrs Maureen Reeves
Other Activities in Chaceley and Forthampton
Severnside Walking Club
Once a month for company and exercise, nothing too strenuous, ending with a meal at a local hostelry. Contact Mr Alan Brown 01684 291220; skepcott1@gmail.com.
Other Activities in Tredington and Stoke Orchard
Contact Mr Jim Mitchell, 01684 296773
Sherdon’s Golf Centre, floodlit driving range, putting green and 9 hole pay and play course, 01684 274782
Play Group
Tredington Teddies, at Tredington County Primary School, leader Kerry French, 07925 182096
Deerhurst and Apperley |
Chaceley |
Forthampton |
Tredington and Stoke Orchard |
Chairman of Parish Council |
Len Attard, 01452 780665 |
Jonathan Hodges, 01452 780603 |
Alan Brown, 01684 291220 |
R Chatham, 01684 292532 |
WI President |
Veronica Silber, 01684 591513 |
Vivienne Troughton, 01684 293540 |
Royal British Legion |
Coffee Morning |
1st Tuesday of the month, 10 am, Village Hall |
1st Thursday of the month, 10.30 am, Village Hall |
Village Hall Bookings |
Pete Woodthorpe, 01452 780610 |
Marian Saxton, 01452 780000 |
Jean Morgan, 01684 297854 |
Frank Juckes, 01684 292143 |
Refuse Collection |
Thursday |
Tuesday |
Tuesday |
Thursday |